The process of making and sharing ideas, information, views, facts, figures, feelings, etc. among the people to achieve a standard understanding.
Sender, Thought:
The sender is faced with involves the encoding process. so as to convey meaning, the sender means translating information into a message within the kind of symbols that represent ideas or concepts. This process translates the ideas or concepts into a coded message. The symbols can take on numerous forms like languages, or words. These symbols are wont to encode ideas into messages that others can understand the message.
The message, Encoding:
encoding a message, the sender has got to begin by deciding what he/she actually wants to transmit. This decision by the sender is based on what he/she believes about the receiver’s knowledge. alongside what additional information wants the receiver to possess. it’s important for the sender to use symbols that are familiar to the intended receiver. an honest way for the sender to enhance the encoding of their message is the communication from the receiver’s point of view.
Medium, Transmitter:
transmitting the message, the sender uses some quiet channels. Most of the oral or written, but currently, visual channels are getting more common as technology expands. the phone and a spread of written forms like memos, letters, and reports. when immediate feedback is important, oral or written language channels are simpler because any uncertainties are often cleared abreast of the spot. during a situation where the message is delivered to quite a little group of individuals.
Channel, The noise of barriers:
The blocks within the flow of communication are barriers. In a method or the opposite, they’re always present in communication. These include disturbance; external interference; lack of concentration, understanding, and empathy; poor language; loss by transmission; faulty translation; lack of trust; and inattention.
The receiver is the individual or individuals to whom the message is directed. The extent to which this person comprehends the message will depend upon a variety of things, which include the following: what proportion of the individual or individuals realize the subject, their receptivity to the message, and therefore the relationship and trust that exists between sender and receiver. All interpretations by the receiver are influenced by their experiences, attitudes, knowledge, skills, perceptions, and culture. it’s almost like the sender’s relationship with encoding.
the appropriate channel or channels are selected, the message enters the decoding stage of the communication process. Decoding is conducted by the receiver. Once the message is received and examined, the stimulus is sent to the brain for interpreting, so as to assign some type of meaning to it. it’s this processing stage that constitutes decoding. The receiver begins to interpret the symbols sent by the sender, translating the message to their own set of experiences so as to form the symbols mean. Successful communication takes place when the receiver correctly interprets the sender’s message
Feedback, Idea Received:
Feedback is the final process within the chain of the communication process. After receiving a message, the receiver responds in how and signals that response to the sender. The signal may take the form of a spoken comment, an extended sigh, a written message, a smile, or other action. “Even a scarcity of response, is during a sense, a sort of response” (Bovee & Thill, 1992). Without feedback, the sender cannot confirm that the receiver has interpreted the message correctly.
Feedback is essential to the communication process because it allows the sender to evaluate the effectiveness of the message.
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